Data Structures & Algorithms for Beginners - 1

A. Big O Notation

Use Big O Notation to describe the performance of an algorithm

1. O(n) /Linear/


2. O(n^2) /Quadratic/


3. O(log n) /Logarithmic/

Example: Binary Search


4. O(2^n) /Exponential/



5. O(x)


B. Arrays

Lookup O(1)

Insert O(n)

Delete O(n)


Exercise: Build a Dynamic Array from Strach (insert, remove, print)


C. Dynamic Array



D. Linked Lists

By Value O(n)At the End O(1)From the Beginning O(1)
By Index O(n)At the Beginning O(1)From the End O(n)
 In the Middle o(n)From the Middle O(n)



Exercise: Build a Linked List from Strach (Add Last + Add First + IndexOf + Contains + Remove First + Remove Last)